Leafy's Rants

March 17, 2011

Friendship bracelets…

Filed under: Uncategorized — by leafythegreat @ 10:55 pm

…are fun :3

March 15, 2011

My internet sucks.

Filed under: Uncategorized — by leafythegreat @ 11:22 pm


CableOne sucks.

I get a second chance and I hope that it goes through, because CableOne doesn’t seem to want to let it go through.

Unhappy customer right here.  If we pay $50 a month for internet service, we damn well should be getting internet service every day all day at a decently fast speed JUST as they advertise.

Not this bullshit wishy washy sometimes connected sometimes not I’VE SEEN BETTER BROWSER RESPONSE ON DUMBPHONES  internet service that they have been providing.

If I get a C in economics, CableOne can kiss it.  The CEO needs a kick in the teeth.

This is ruining my day Sad smile

March 14, 2011

MIT Rejection

Filed under: Randomblings — by leafythegreat @ 10:28 pm
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Ever get spanked as a kid?

Remember those few minutes between when your mom said, “Sit here and don’t say a word,” and when she finally came back and spanked you?

That’s how the last 5 months of my life have been.  I’ve been so sure that I’d get spanked, but I held out for it anyway.

Spanked being rejected from MIT, of course.

I’ve been expecting it.  It’d be a lie to say that I wasn’t expecting it.

But… I’m a little disappointed, I guess?

On the other hand, Auburn University has offered me a full scholarship.  Now, that’s pretty damn cool.  I don’t mind that at all.

And it’s been a battle in my mind for the past two months or so: what happens if I do accepted to MIT?  What if that tiny chance actually works?  What if I really am more incredible than 87% of the people who applied?

Well, I’m not.  I’m back with that 87%.  It’s… sad, a bit, I guess, but I’m in good company.

Some of these kids had perfect SAT and ACT scores.  My SAT and ACT as they were, I was probably tossed out first round.  They’re not perfect, they’re far from perfect.

But nonetheless, what if I was accepted?

Where would I get the money from?

I don’t have it.  My family doesn’t have it.  My family has just enough money to be in that annoying “middle class” bracket, where you don’t get anything to pay for college but you can’t afford it, either.

So that battle has been going down in my mind.  What if I get accepted to MIT?  Do I say yes?  How do I pay for it?  Should I follow what I know is right and go to Auburn and graduate in the green, or should I follow what I feel is right and go to my dream school?

Well, the decision was made for me.  MIT flaked out.

I got spanked.

But… that horrible feeling of “get it over with already” has disappeared.  I know where I’m going, at least in the fall, and that has been a burden to me for all of my senior year.  Where would I go?  What would I do?  Now I know, and all the better, they’ve offered me over $100,000 to cover it all.  How cool is that?

So, lessons learned: 

If it’s something you can’t control, expect the worst and you won’t be disappointed with the results.  I expected to be rejected.  I was.  It’s not really so bad.

If it’s something you can control, then it’s better to have tried and failed than to never have tried at all.  Just the fact that I applied makes me feel better, and strenuous as it was, I feel like I’m a better person.  Certainly makes any application/interview process EVER seem easier by comparison.  Not to mention, if I had never applied, if I had gone on and said, “Oh, fuck it, I’ll never get in” back in October, then I would have never known.  And is it not better to know disappointment than it is to not know at all?  I hate that feeling of not knowing.  It eats at me.

Being normal is going to be okay.  I mean, look at Stanislaus versus Pass Christian.  People pay good money for their kids to go to a prestigious school, and the kids leave there dumb as rocks.  People pay little to nothing for their kids to go to a public school, and we’re the brainiest in the state.  How’s about those cookies?

So… I’m coming to terms with it.

I’m going to Auburn.  That’s not a horrible thing.  I can still have my grits, and if the itching to get out of the South hits me, well, there’s always co-op and study abroad, right?

War damn eagle.

Self-reassurance over.

I’m out Smile

March 12, 2011

Oh my, this is last minute..

Filed under: Uncategorized — by leafythegreat @ 11:53 pm

Right, daily post!

So what happened today?

Worked on homework.  Power cut out mid-economics-quiz.  Very annoying.

Went to the boat.  Had dinner.  Mom got sloshed <.<

But good things, too!  Old hippie dude that lives at the harbor, Nick, came and played guitar for a while and showed me a few things.  But mostly played guitar.  Then told me how easy X Y and Z were, leaving me in the dust…

But that was fun!

Anyway, daily post off.  Not much more to say.  No deep philosophical thoughts.  I’m tired.

March 11, 2011

What to say?

Filed under: Uncategorized — by leafythegreat @ 10:55 pm

Not much.

No, really, not much happened today.

I’ve got homework out the wazoo to do but other than that, really not much at all.

Well then, this is my requisite post, is it not?  Perhaps more tomorrow.

March 10, 2011

Snakes and Barrels

Filed under: Randomblings — by leafythegreat @ 11:24 pm
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Or Snakes and Ropes.

There’s not much time for this post, as I have homework, but hey, I’ll try this thing daily… or nearly daily.  Consider it a public diary.  Hell, no one’s gonna read it anyway so why not?

I found this chick yesterday on YouTube by way of Geekologie.

Yeah, I did this today. It was pretty fun! Draw with a marker or highlighter and trace with a pen or pencil for best results.

Her videos are… interesting.  Most of them are math-oriented.  She’s waaaaay geeky, but it’s easy to love her rambling and doodle games.

What else?  I was told by someone who is far more artistically gifted than I am that she won’t make her own mask for our masquerade prom because she “doesn’t have the time” despite the fact that prom is a month and a half away and a mask takes all of 5 hours total for the most elaborate designs.

My bets are that her mom will drive her out to New Orleans to get a gemstone-encrusted one for $100 or so, but that would be one of the cheap ones.

Anyway, that’s the dinner call.  I’ve got a whole book to read and then stuff to do.  I’m out!

March 9, 2011

Let’s DO THIS.

Filed under: Randomblings — by leafythegreat @ 9:47 pm
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Do what?

I really don’t know.

I mean, I’m just kind of procrastinating on homework… Spanish homework…

Ever read Susana y Javier en Sudamerica?  Best freakin’ read of my LIFE.  Experience the THRILLS AND CHILLS of an average middle-aged couple going on a tour of South America and getting along really well with all the very friendly taxi drivers that they meet.

Seriously, I want to go to South America now.  I have yet to meet a pleasant taxi driver, and these are inviting nuestro pareja home for a nice, home cooked meal of culture and education, or kindly offering to bring them to far-out places of grandeur and wonder.

Greaaaaaat writing.  If this and EL VIAJE DE SU VIDA were in a contest, I think that the judges’ heads would explode from the sheer suck.

Um, so what else?  Blackfield II, that’s cool.  Still the tried and true theme of “the girls I fall in love with suck/the world sucks” but hey, if that’s what works for them (it does), then why not?  My Gift of Silence, End of the World, and This Killer, great tracks.  I love the 7/4 time on This Killer; it gives this feeling of not quite completing a thought.  Beautiful.  Really, not a weak point on the album.  Then again, I’m a stark raving mad Steven Wilson lunatic, but that’s another story altogether, isn’t it?

Thinking about covering a song or two from it.  Maybe?  I’m still not confident at all in my playing.  And singing on male-sung songs always gets weird.

Hm.  Probably not.

I’ve also discovered that I really, really, REALLY like 3/4 time.  Bullitts Dominae, she walks steady to the shore… if it’s a pretty good song anyway, sounding like a waltz is bonus points for me.  I don’t actively seek them out, but I just hear that swinging ONE two three ONE two three and I feel like flying!

What else?  Car shopping.  That’s… overwhelming.  I was excited about it back when I had just gotten my license, but now… meh, I guess.  It’ll be nice having something other than the Goatwagon to drive around, but otherwise, big friggin’ meh.

So what’s this going to be about?  I don’t know.  Maybe I’ll do some math tutorials or… something?  Other tutorials?  I know a lot of weird little things that are of use to maybe .01% of the world’s population.  Maybe I’ll post those.  Of course, there’s always Instructables for that, isn’t there?

Anyway.  Homework.  I should get to that, yes.


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