Leafy's Rants

March 9, 2011

Let’s DO THIS.

Filed under: Randomblings — by leafythegreat @ 9:47 pm
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Do what?

I really don’t know.

I mean, I’m just kind of procrastinating on homework… Spanish homework…

Ever read Susana y Javier en Sudamerica?  Best freakin’ read of my LIFE.  Experience the THRILLS AND CHILLS of an average middle-aged couple going on a tour of South America and getting along really well with all the very friendly taxi drivers that they meet.

Seriously, I want to go to South America now.  I have yet to meet a pleasant taxi driver, and these are inviting nuestro pareja home for a nice, home cooked meal of culture and education, or kindly offering to bring them to far-out places of grandeur and wonder.

Greaaaaaat writing.  If this and EL VIAJE DE SU VIDA were in a contest, I think that the judges’ heads would explode from the sheer suck.

Um, so what else?  Blackfield II, that’s cool.  Still the tried and true theme of “the girls I fall in love with suck/the world sucks” but hey, if that’s what works for them (it does), then why not?  My Gift of Silence, End of the World, and This Killer, great tracks.  I love the 7/4 time on This Killer; it gives this feeling of not quite completing a thought.  Beautiful.  Really, not a weak point on the album.  Then again, I’m a stark raving mad Steven Wilson lunatic, but that’s another story altogether, isn’t it?

Thinking about covering a song or two from it.  Maybe?  I’m still not confident at all in my playing.  And singing on male-sung songs always gets weird.

Hm.  Probably not.

I’ve also discovered that I really, really, REALLY like 3/4 time.  Bullitts Dominae, she walks steady to the shore… if it’s a pretty good song anyway, sounding like a waltz is bonus points for me.  I don’t actively seek them out, but I just hear that swinging ONE two three ONE two three and I feel like flying!

What else?  Car shopping.  That’s… overwhelming.  I was excited about it back when I had just gotten my license, but now… meh, I guess.  It’ll be nice having something other than the Goatwagon to drive around, but otherwise, big friggin’ meh.

So what’s this going to be about?  I don’t know.  Maybe I’ll do some math tutorials or… something?  Other tutorials?  I know a lot of weird little things that are of use to maybe .01% of the world’s population.  Maybe I’ll post those.  Of course, there’s always Instructables for that, isn’t there?

Anyway.  Homework.  I should get to that, yes.


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